Zerto Alerts : Monitoring Alerts : Working With the Alert Tab
Working With the Alert Tab
You can dismiss alerts by selecting the relevant alerts and clicking the ACKNOWLEDGE button. The number of alerts displayed in the title bar alerts indicator is the number of unacknowledged alerts.
If the description of the alert is truncated, hover over the alert to display a tooltip with the complete description.
Alerts from previous versions are displayed with an Unknown link.
Click EXPORT to save the alerts as a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
The Zerto alerts are grouped into categories where the first three characters of the alert identifies the category:
AWS: Alerts relating to the recovery site being Amazon Web Services (AWS).
BCK: Alerts relating to Long Term Retention and VBA issues.
LIC: Alerts relating to licensing issues.
STR: Alerts relating to storage issues.
VCD: Alerts relating to issues with vCloud Director.
VPG: Alerts relating to the VPGs and the virtual machines being protected.
VRA: Alerts relating to VRA issues.
ZCA: Alerts relating to the recovery site being a cloud.
ZCC: Alerts relating to Zerto Cloud Connectors used by cloud service providers.
ZCM: Alerts relating to the Zerto Cloud Manager.
ZVM: Alerts relating to the Zerto Virtual Manager.