Zerto Alerts : vCloud Director Alerts : VCD0015
Alert Name
AMQP-server disconnection
Alert Category
vCloud Director
Message Displayed
Connected to vCloud {vcd_id} but failed to connect to AMQP-server for notifications. Last connection error: "{error}".
The connection to the AMQP server in vCD failed, even though the connection to vCD itself succeeded.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
Network problems.
Refer to the exception message. Contact the vSphere/vCD administrator.
In the RabbitMQ GUI has been installed:
1. Verify that the Zerto Virtual Manager is unable to connect to the AMQP server.
2. Verify that the IP address credentials for the AMQP are correct.
3. Verify that there is no proxy, either in Internet Explorer’s LAN settings, or DNS settings, that might be blocking the connection.
4. Login to the vCD interface and in Administration > Blocking Tasks > Settings verify AMQP Broker Settings are configured properly via the Test AMQP Connection button.
Configuration problems.
Refer to the exception message. Contact the vSphere/vCD administrator.
Verify that the Exchange and Queue previously created by the Zerto AMQP Installer are listed properly in RabbitMQ:
1. Login to the RabbitMQ web-based GUI (http://server-name:55672/mgmt credentials are guest/guest).
2. Click the Exchanges tab.
3. If the exchange vCD does not exist, create it manually, and check to see if the connectivity issue is resolved.
Alarm in vCenter Server