Zerto Alerts : vCloud Director Alerts : VCD0022
Alert Name
vCD Protection group missing VM
Alert Category
vCloud Director
Message Displayed
A single VM: VPG {vpg name} was paused by the system because 1 VM was not found. In order to resume the VPG, return the VM to the inventory. If the VM cannot be returned, remove the VM from the vCD vApp.
Multiple VMs: VPG {vpg name} was paused by the system because {number of VMs} VMs were not found. In order to resume the VPG, return the VMs to the inventory. If the VMs cannot be returned, remove the VMs from the vCD vApp.
A VPG was paused by the system because a single or multiple virtual machines were removed from the inventory.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
A single or multiple virtual machines were removed from the inventory.
Return the virtual machine to the inventory.
If you can’t return the virtual machine to the inventory, edit the vCD vApp and remove the virtual machine from the vCD vApp.
Alarm in vCenter Server