Zerto Alerts : VPG Alerts : VPG0006
Alert Name
VPG missing configuration details
Alert Category
VPG and protected virtual machines
Message Displayed
VPG {vpg_name} is missing configuration details.
Some of the VPG configuration is not valid and has to be updated.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
A virtual machine was added to a VPG or vCD vApp and the added virtual machine has no matching datastore or not enough room on the recovery datastore.
Edit the VPG to define the datastore to use for the virtual machine and the test and failover networks.
A volume was added to a protected virtual machine and the added volume has no matching datastore or not enough room on the recovery datastore.
Edit the VPG to specify a suitable datastore for the added volume.
The VPG settings were not updated because of a site disconnection or hypervisor manager, VMware vCenter Server and Microsoft SCVMM, error.
Check the connectivity between the Zerto Virtual Manager and hypervisor manager, such as VMware vCenter Server and Microsoft SCVMM, and between the protected and recovery sites and if there is a disconnection, fix it.
When performing a Failover or Move operation, you do not specify reverse protection.
If you do not want reverse protection you can remove the VPG, otherwise edit the VPG and save it with the required settings. The default settings are displayed for the missing configuration settings.
An Org vDC network is removed from the recovery site that has a VPG replicating to it.
Edit the VPG to use a different Org vDC network.
A protected volume was resized and the recovery site is VMware vCenter Server is version 4.0.
Edit the VPG to cause the recovery site volumes to be resized.
A source volume associated with an RDM as a target for replication is resized.
1. If the VPG contains more than one virtual machine, remove the source virtual machine from the VPG, and save the changes. If the VPG contains only one virtual machine, delete the VPG. If the virtual machine recovery disks are of VMDK format, make sure to choose to keep the recovery disks.
2. Resize the RDM (both local and remote) as described in the VMware Expanding the size of a Raw Device Mapping (RDM) knowledge base article.
3. Protect the virtual machine again after resizing the RDM.
The VPG will go through a Delta Sync.
Alarm in vCenter Server