Zerto Alerts : VPG Alerts : VPG0007
Alert Name
VPG replication paused
Alert Category
VPG and protected virtual machines
Message Displayed
Replication of VPG {vpg_name} has paused to enable creating a clone. It will resume in {n} minutes.
A VPG is being synchronized and if the synchronization continues it will cause all the checkpoints in the journal to be removed. During the synchronization, the latest changes in the protection site are added to the journal and older data in the journal was moved to the mirror virtual disk managed by the VRA for the virtual machine. As the synchronization continues and more old data is moved out of the journal, the checkpoints associated with the data are also removed from the journal and new checkpoints are not added. If the synchronization continues for too long, all the checkpoints can be removed from the journal meaning all recovery operations can no longer be performed.
The message is issued when there are 200 or fewer checkpoints present in the journal and the Replication Pause Time is set in the Advanced Settings dialog. Zerto recommends configuring a replication pause time. The synchronization is paused for the time specified in the Replication Pause Time is set in the Advanced Settings dialog, to enable resolving this situation so that recovery can be performed if necessary.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
The VPG replication paused during a synchronization when the number of checkpoints in the journal was so small that continuing the synchronization would mean losing all the checkpoints making recovery impossible.
Clone the VPG using the last checkpoint, so that if all the VPG checkpoints are lost and recovery is required before new checkpoints are added to the journal, the clone can be used.
resume the synchronization. In this case, the longer the time left to complete the synchronization, the greater the risk of not being able to recover in case of a disaster. As soon as the synchronization completes, new checkpoints are added to the journal and recovery is again possible.
Alarm in vCenter Server