Zerto Alerts : VPG Alerts : VPG0015
Alert Name
Resources not enough to support VPG
Alert Category
VPG and protected virtual machines
Message Displayed
{resource_pool} does not have enough resources to support VPG {vpg_name}. Recovery is disabled until this issue is resolved. Details: {details}
The resource pool used for the recovery for the VPG does not have enough resources to recover all the virtual machines in the VPG.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
The recovery host resource pool does not have enough resources to recover all the virtual machines in the VPG.
Edit the VPG and change the recovery host for one or more of the VPGs so that there are available resources.
If write-order fidelity is not required by all the virtual machines in the VPG, remove the virtual machines that don’t require write-order fidelity from the VPG and create a new VPG for these virtual machines.
Increase the resource pool resources.
Alarm in vCenter Server