Zerto Alerts : VPG Alerts : VPG0024
Alert Name
VPG storage policy does not include active datastores
Alert Category
VPG and protected virtual machines
Message Displayed (vCenter)
VPG is replicating to Org vDC {orgvdc_name}, but it cannot be recovered because active datastores were removed from the storage policy {sp}.
Message Displayed (SCVMM)
VPG is replicating to Org vDC {orgvdc_name}, but it cannot be recovered because active storages were removed from the storage policy {sp}.
The storage policy that is used for recovery no longer includes the datastores that were being used.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
Datastore (vCenter) / storage (SCVMM) not found in the storage policy.
Add the datastore/storage back to the storage policy.
Change the datastore/storage of the affected virtual machines in the VPG.
Alarm in vCenter Server
RecoveryDatastores NotInStorageProfile