Zerto Alerts : VPG Alerts : VPG0036
Alert Name
VPG recovery resources not in ZORG
Alert Category
VPG and protected virtual machines
Message Displayed
VPG outside of ZORG.
VPG {vpg_name} is using recovery resources which are not assigned to ZORG {zorg_name}.
Reconfigure the recovery resources to the ZORG or change the VPG organization.
resources: {list_of_resources}
The VPG is defined for a specific Zerto Organization, ZORG, but the resources specified for this ZORG in the Zerto Cloud Manager do not include the resources assigned for the recovery of the virtual machines in the VPG.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
The VPG is defined for a ZORG but the recovery resources used in the VPG are not assigned to the ZORG in the Zerto Cloud Manager.
Update the resources available to the ZORG in the Zerto Cloud Manager to include the required resources.
If a mistake was made specifying the ZORG for the VPG, edit the VPG to correct the ZORG value.
Alarm in vCenter Server