Zerto Alerts : VPG Alerts : VPG0038
Alert Name
Journal history is compromised
Alert Category
VPG and protected virtual machines
Message Displayed
VPG {vpg_name} has been protected for {x} but the journal history is only {y}.
The amount of time specified for the journal is more than the current amount of time, in minutes.
When a virtual machine journal becomes full, Zerto starts to move data to the recovery disks. Once this begins, the maintained history begins to decrease. If the journal history falls below one hour, an error is issued, or, if the amount of history defined is only one hour, an error is issued if it is less than 45 minutes.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
The journal is not big enough to store all the data for the time specified.
The Journal Size Hard Limit parameter needs to be manually adjusted.
Alarm in vCenter Server