Zerto Alerts : VPG Alerts : VPG0045
Alert Name
VPG has low journal history
Alert Category
VPG and protected virtual machines
Message Displayed
VPG {vpg_name} journal history is less than {x}% of the configured {n}. {sync_explanation}
During a synchronization, the latest changes in the protection site are added to the journal and older data in the journal is moved to the mirror virtual disk managed by the VRA for the virtual machine. As the synchronization continues and more old data is moved out of the journal, the checkpoints associated with the data are also removed from the journal and new checkpoints are not added to the journal.
This alert is triggered when the journal history configured for the VPG is at least one hour and the journal contains less than 75% of the configured history.
The message specifies that the amount of history is a percentage less than the configured amount.
This warning alert is issued if the alert VPG0003 becomes persistent.
This alert will automatically be resolved when the journal history is fully populated.
Alarm in vCenter Server
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
A synchronization (but not a bitmap synchronization, see the next cause) has caused the journal to include less time than defined.
Nothing to do. With time the journal will fill up to the defined time.
A bitmap synchronization has caused the journal to include less time than defined.
If the amount of time left in the journal is too small, the ability to recover if a disaster occurs is impaired. If the advanced settings, Replication Pause Time has been defined, the synchronization will pause to enable the situation to be resolved, for example, by creating a clone.