Zerto Alerts : VPG Alerts : VPG0050
Alert Name
Protection Group Tested Alert
Alert Category
VPG and protected virtual machines
Message Displayed
VPG with same test time: You have {0} VPGs that did not have failover test in the last {1} months. Affected VPGs are: VPG1, VPG2, VPG3.
Perform failover test for the affected VPGs.
VPG with different test time: You have {0} VPGs that did not have failover test at the configured testing time. Affected VPGs are: VPG1, VPG2, VPG3.
Perform failover test for the affected VPGs.
You have {0} VPGs that did not have failover test in the last {1} months. Affected VPGs are: VPG1, VPG2, VPG3.
You have {0} VPGs that did not have failover test at the configured testing time. Affected VPGs are: VPG1, VPG2, VPG3.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
Failover tests were never performed for the relevant VPGs.
Perform failover test for the affected VPGs