Zerto Alerts : VRA Alerts : VRA0027
Alert Name
Journal volume removed
Alert Category
Message Displayed
{Journal_volume} of virtual machine {protected_virtual_machine_name} in VPG {VPG_name} on host {host_name} was deleted from {storage_or_datastore}.
A journal volume attached to a virtual machine in a VPG has been removed.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
A journal volume was removed.
You can ignore this message. If the journal grows to approximately 80% of the provisioned journal size or less than 6GB remains free, a new volume is added to increase the journal size. When the amount of the journal used is approximately 50% of the provisioned journal size, the biggest unused journal volume from the added volumes is marked for removal. This volume is then removed after the time equivalent to three times the amount specified for the journal history, or twenty-four hours, whichever is more if it is still not used.
Delete the VPG and recreate it to restart the protection of the virtual machine.
Alarm in vCenter Server