Zerto Alerts : VRA Alerts : VRA0049
Alert Name
Host rollback failed
Alert Category
Message Displayed
Host {host_name} rollback failed. Error is: {error}.
An operation required rolling back failed, for example if the installation of a VRA on the host failed and rolling back to the pre-installation state is performed.
Possible causes include a disconnection between the Zerto Virtual Managers on both sites or between a Zerto Virtual Manager and a VRA.
This alert occurs a rollback of a failed operation on a host (such as installing or upgrading a VRA) fails. This can be either due to an internal bug or due to external factors preventing the rollback (for example, an inability to connect to the hypervisor manager, such as VMware vCenter Server and Microsoft SCVMM, or to a VRA).
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
A disconnection between the Zerto Virtual Manager and the hypervisor manager, such as VMware vCenter Server and Microsoft SCVMM,.
Check the connection between the Zerto Virtual Manager and the hypervisor manager.
A disconnection between the Zerto Virtual Managers on both the protected and recovery sites.
Check the connection between the Zerto Virtual Managers.
A disconnection between the Zerto Virtual Manager and a VRA active in the rollback.
Check the connection to the VRAs.
Contact Zerto support.
Alarm in vCenter Server