Zerto Alerts : Zerto Virtual Manager Alerts : ZVM0001
Alert Name
No connection to hypervisor manager, such as VMware vCenter Server and Microsoft SCVMM, or to public cloud.
Alert Category
Zerto Virtual Manager
Message Displayed
The connection between site {site1} and the hypervisor manager {hv} at {IP} is down.
The cloud access parameters from site {site1} are no longer valid.
The Zerto Virtual Manager running on the specified site cannot connect to either the hypervisor manager, such as VMware vCenter Server or Microsoft SCVMM, or to cloud services (AWS or Microsoft Azure).
If the disconnection is on the protected site, the protection of the VPGs is compromised. If the status of the VPG was Protecting before the alert, then the VPG should be recoverable to the last checkpoint that was written to the journal. If the VPG was syncing, excluding a Bitmap Sync, or if a virtual machine was being vMotioned, then the corresponding VPG is not recoverable.
If the disconnection is on the recovery site, the recovery of the VPGs is compromised.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
The hypervisor manager is not running.
Check the hypervisor manager
Authentication failed between the Zerto Virtual Manager and the hypervisor manager or cloud server.
Check that the Zerto Virtual Manager has the correct credentials to access the hypervisor manager or the cloud. The credentials can be reset in the Site Information tab in the Site Settings dialog.
Alarm in vCenter Server