Zerto Alerts : Zerto Virtual Manager Alerts : ZVM0002
Alert Name
No connection to VRA
Alert Category
Zerto Virtual Manager
Message Displayed
Zerto Virtual Manager is not connected to VRA with IP {IP} on host {IP}.
The Zerto Virtual Manager has lost communication with a VRA. This means that no new checkpoints can be written to the journals of any protected virtual machines whose recovery is managed by this VRA.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
Zerto is being updated.
Wait for the upgrade to complete and the communication with the VRA to be re-established.
The network to access the VRA has a problem.
Check the network.
The VRA is down.
Restart the VRA.
The Zerto Virtual Manager service is not running.
Check if the Zerto Virtual Manager service is running.
For KBs associated with this Alert, click here.
Alarm in vCenter Server