Zerto Alerts : Zerto Virtual Manager Alerts : ZVM0003
Alert Name
No connection to site
Alert Category
Zerto Virtual Manager
Message Displayed
The Zerto Virtual Manager is not connected to site {site1}.
The connection between the local Zerto Virtual Manager and the remote Zerto Virtual Manager is down.
Possible causes include network problems or the Zerto Virtual Manager is down. This error is also shown briefly while the sites are syncing following a failed operation.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
The two sites are syncing after a failed recovery operation.
If a recovery operation failed, wait a few minutes for the connection to be re-established.
The network to access the peer site has a problems.
Check on the peer site network.
The Zerto Virtual Manager service is not running on the peer site.
Check on the peer site if the Zerto Virtual Manager is running.
Alarm in vCenter Server