Zerto Alerts : Zerto Cloud Connector Alerts : ZCC0002
Alert Name
Zerto Cloud Connector powered off
Alert Category
Zerto Cloud Connectors
Message Displayed
The Zerto Cloud Connector for {zcc_name} is powered off.
Possible causes include hypervisor manager, such as VMware vCenter Server and Microsoft SCVMM, problems, disk space issues, network issues, wrong configuration
A ZCC installation failed. The error for that failure should have more information. This can happen due to many reasons; VC problems, out of disk space, network issues, wrong configuration, etc.
A ZCC installation failed. The error for that failure should have more information. This can happen due to many reasons, such as hypervisor manager, VMware vCenter Server and Microsoft SCVMM, problems, out of disk space, etc.
Note: When a Zerto Cloud Connector is powered off, the site paired to this Zerto Cloud Connector will be disconnected. It is recommended to vMotion the Zerto Cloud Connector to a similar host to avoid this disconnection.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
The Zerto Cloud Connector is powered off.
Try powering the Zerto Cloud Connector on.
Not enough disk space for the Zerto Cloud Connector.
Check the available storage on the datastore specified for the Zerto Cloud Connector.
Alarm in vCenter Server