Zerto Alerts : Zerto Cloud Connector Alerts : ZCC0003
Alert Name
Orphaned Zerto Cloud Connector
Alert Category
Zerto Cloud Connectors
Message Displayed
An orphaned Zerto Cloud Connector for {zcc_name} was installed.
The status of the Zerto Cloud Connector is orphaned, for example when one of the specified networks is invalid or inaccessible or that the ports to access the connector are blocked in the Zerto Virtual Manager.
Note: The recovery host must have the same access to the networks that are used by the Zerto Cloud Connector, including all appropriate VLAN tagging on the vSwitch or VDS and required trunking at the physical layer.
Possible Cause
Possible Resolution
Access to the Zerto Cloud Connector is blocked in the Zerto Virtual Manager machine.
Check the access permissions to the machine running the Zerto Virtual Manager.
An invalid configuration was specified for the Zerto Cloud Connector.
Remove the Zerto Cloud Connector and reinstall a new Zerto Cloud Connector with the correct configuration.
No default gateway is configured on this NIC. Note that when deploying a Zerto Cloud Connector, only a single default gateway is used by the connector, and is applied to the Organization Network NIC settings.
Static route groups can be configured and assigned to the Zerto Cloud Connector.
The IP configuration for this NIC is not valid for the environment.
Verify that ping and telnet over TCP port 22 from the cloud Zerto Virtual Manager to the Cloud Network NIC are successful.
Verify that network layer 2 elements, such as ARP tables, on network equipment between the Zerto Cloud Connector and the Zerto Virtual Manager are properly configured and up to date.
The vSwitch or vDS assigned to the Cloud Network NIC settings is not configured correctly.
The uplink assigned to the vSwitch or DVS assigned to the Cloud Network NIC settings does not have proper trunking configured on the physical switch it is attached to.
Alarm in vCenter Server